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UTV Comparison Shootout – Dunes If you’ve kept pace with the first two articles of the Fab 5 Shootout, you’ll know that these vehicles have been put through the nastiest mud and the best rock crawling in the country. If you ride in the mud or like playing on the rocks, make sure you get the last two issues: June/July and Aug/Sept ’08. It’s been our goal with this series of shootouts to provide the most comprehensive review of all 5 manufacturers’ vehicles in every type of terrain that our readers ride in: Mud, Rocks, Dunes, and Desert. Our contenders have been the Yamaha Rhino,… Continue Reading »
UTV Comparison Shootout – Rock Crawl Hopefully you had a chance to read our first installment of the UTV Shootout where we tested the UTVs in Jacksonville, TX at the High Lifter Mud Nationals. If muddin’ is your thing, be sure to check out our June/July issue for the most comprehensive mud test you’ve ever seen. In this issue, we’ve traveled to one of the most beautiful places in the country to off-road: Moab, UT. It’s considered the Mecca for off-roading for not only UTVs, but jeeps, trucks, and mountain bikers, as well. Why, you ask? Well, in Moab you have an ever changing backdrop of… Continue Reading »
UTV Comparison Shootout – Mud Test We’re excited to announce the first installment of our ongoing UTV Shootout that we’re going to refer to as the Fab 5. And, to begin our testing, we tested all 5 stock UTVs at the muddiest place on earth: Jacksonville, TX at the Highlifter Mud Nationals. There’s nothing like starting with the toughest terrain on a vehicle to springboard our testing, right? But before we jump into the details of the results, let’s talk a little about what we have in store for you in these upcoming articles. It’s our understanding that people buy UTVs for multiple reasons, from high-speed… Continue Reading »